
The Republicans of Maine Township Organization

In the Illinois Republican Party structure, the Township’s Republican Organization is the grassroots level, led by a voter-elected Committeeman. The Maine Township Committeeman appoints officers to the Organization’s Board of Directors in accordance with the Organization’s by-laws.  Precinct Captains and Co-Captains are also appointed by the Committeeman to serve one-year terms in accordance with the Organization’s by-laws. Captains and Co-Captains share responsibility within electoral precincts in teams of two or more, and are aided by the Board of Directors and other seasoned party volunteers.

Precinct Captains organize diverse grassroots activities within their precincts and coordinate volunteers to accomplish voter outreach and education. For more information on how to contact your local Precinct Captain, or to become a Precinct Captain, email jim@romt.us

The Illinois State Central Committee

The Illinois State Central Committee is elected by the voter-elected Republican Committeemen who reside the State’s Congressional Districts. There are 18 Illinois State Central Committeemen who represent their respective congressional districts at the state meetings of the Illinois Republican Party. Each State Central Committeeman is elected to a four-year term. Maine Township represents portions of the 5th, 9th and 10th Congressional Districts.  Our current State Central Committeeman:

  • James Stinson, 9th Congressional District State Central Committeeman

The Illinois Republican Party Chairman

The State Central Committeeman elects an Illinois Republican Party Chairman every two years. The current chairman is Don Tracy. For more information about the Illinois Republican party leadership, visit http://www.weareillinois.org/about-our-chariman/
